
Showing posts from July, 2018

Poetry Reading Inspired by the Visual Arts by acclaimed Poet and Art critic RICARDO PAU-LLOSA

The Mexican Cultural Institute and the Consulate of Mexico  in New Orleans are pleased to present a Poetry reading and Gallery talk by acclaimed Cuban-American Poet and Art critic RICARDO PAU-LLOSA in conjunction with the current exhibition  “Reflection and the DiasporicEpic” by artist Piki Mendizabal  on  August 24, 2018 5:30 to 7:30 pm  901 Convention Center Blvd. Suite 118 New Orleans, LA  Entrance to the Institute's gallery is through Higgins Street Pau-Llosa was born into a working-class family in Havana. In 1960 Pau-Llosa fled Cuba with his parents, older sister, and maternal grandmother — all of whom emerge in his autobiographical poems of exile and remembrance. He graduated from Belén Jesuit Preparatory High School in Miami in 1971, and went on to major in English (literature) at various universities, among them Florida International University (BA, 1974), Florida Atlantic University (MA, 1976), and the Universit...